
Threadripper 3990X review roundup: AMD’s 64-core CPU can play Crysis, but it’s not for everyone - dykebutiedis

AMD's 64-effect CPU officially went on sale Friday, and early reviews of AMD's flagship high-finish desktop processor give the cut off very high marks—assuming you send away seduce use of information technology.

And provided you can afford it! Newegg is selling the new Threadripper 3990X for $3,989.99, which is a penny below its MSRP of $3,990. Anything below MSRP on a early CPU launch is rare for Newegg. If you'd sooner engender that brick-and-mortar see, Microcenter has it in stores and online at the microchip's $3,990 list price.

newegg below msrp Newegg

Newegg priced the Threadripper 3990X below its list of $3,990. Yes, please look closely.

In front you expose extinct that roll of hunnert-dollar bills though, you should ask yourself: Is information technology worthy it?

Most reviewers are saying: "It depends." Here are the highlights from John R. Major sites and some early interesting places that proved it.

Anandtech says Threadripper 3990X is "no brainer" (but…)

Kicking disconnected the review roundup are's Dr. Ian Cutress and Gavin Bonshor, whose views put on't fit into secure bites.

Cutress and Bonshor pronounce the consumer/prosumer fleck is stunningly fast in some workloads, but many times it has issues outrunning the 32-core Threadripper 3970X at half its price:

"For the first degree, the consumer/prosumer level, our conclusion is that the usefulness of the 3990X is limited. Aside from a few select instances (as mentioned, Corona, Liquidizer, NAMD) the 32-core Threadripper for half the Price performed on equality operating room with margin. For this market, saving that $2,000 between the 64-core and the 32-Congress of Racial Equality bum easily net another RTX 2080 Ti for GPU acceleration, and this would probably be the preferred option. Unless you head for the hills those special tests (or ones like it), then go for the 32 core and spend the money elsewhere. Aside from the core count there is little to differentiate the two parts."

Atomic number 3 hoped-for, Anandtech's review shows the single-chip Threadripper 3990X outpacing $20,000 dual-socket Xeon chips, which makes it an easy gain ground.

"The second represent, the enterprise level, IT becomes a no brainer to consolidate a treble socket scheme into a single AMD CPU – the initial outlay cost is considerably lower, and the long term business leader costs also come into play. This is what the enterprise likes to combine into 'Total Monetary value of Ownership', or TCO. The TCO and performance advantage of AMD here is plain to see in the benchmarks and the pricing."

Anandtech's inspection interestingly digs deep into one of the biggest challenges for AMD's 64-core, 128-thread chip: Windows itself.

anantech showed one of the challenges for Threadripper is out of its control: Which version of Windows you utilization matters.

Cutress and Bonshor ran the Threadripper 3990X through and through different flavors of Windows to swan the issues in how the OS handles not just 64-core C.P.U. pools, but too how both versions of it treat the new CPU as a dual-socket organisation even though the Threadripper is a single chip. As part of their testing, Cutress and Bonshor set up disabling SMT in the CPU in Windows 10 In favor of yielded improved operation in some workloads, while Windows 10 Endeavour performed far advisable. Here's Anandtech's heavy review of the AMD Threadripper 3990X.

Tom turkey's Hardware said more than is yet to come after Threadripper 3990X

Apostle of the Gentiles Alcorn of Tomcat's Hardware, who also showed the Threadripper 3990X outpacing Intel's dual socket Xeon chips was a bit less on the fence on the 64-heart part saying: "The Threadripper 3990X is pretty such exactly what AMD says it is: A highly specialized central processing unit that provides incredible performance in a limited cross-section of workloads, but at an extremely attractive price point granted its capabilities."

Yet, like, Alcorn said on that point are clear limitations—non all of them within AMD's control. "We've done our best to show you the unsurpassable of the Threadripper 3990X's performance, but we can't tell the whole performance story due to spotty software support for a processor of this class," Alcorn writes. "Outside of AMD's targeted workloads, most software lav't extract the best performance from this central processing unit."

Still, Alcorn notes in his followup here: "…the Threadripper 3990X is an incredibly impressive chip. Evenhanded three years ago, an eight-burden $1,000 chip represented the best the industry had to whir on an HEDT platform, but now we have capable 64 cores and 128 threads at our disposal, and AMD says it South Korean won't slow down as it shrinks to smaller process nodes. As crazy as IT sounds, we'll meet high core counts in the future. Hopefully the software and operating system ecosystems respond with performance-boosting optimizations soh this kind of incredible public presentation benefits more types of workloads."

Amen, Paul.

HotHardware's take on Threadripper 3990X

Marco Chiappetta of described Threadripper 3990X as a "beast" though with the aforesaid "under the ripe conditions" qualifier atomic number 3 different reviews.

Chiapetta continues: "The AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X ISN't perfect and it's meant to appease a specific sub-set of users, obviously. Even still, we must commend AMD for continually and aggressively pushful the envelope since the origination of its first-gen Ryzen architecture. AMD's efforts that senior few eld have rhenium-shaped the enthusiast computer science landscape painting and injected some real excitement. If AMD continues connected this trajectory with Pane 3 and beyond, we can't wait to see what the company has future for us every last next class."

tweaktown power

Tweaktown aforesaid the Threadripper 3990X consumes up to 800 watts and more aside flipping along PBOC and XMP profiles.

TweakTown's says you'll want a big PSU for Threadripper 3990X

Umpteen reviewers looked at power consumption of the new chip, merely Steven Bassiri of might have had the most playfulness, noting: "The Ryzen Threadripper 3990X eats up power, but not nearly as a good deal Eastern Samoa we prospective, leastwise at timeworn. We saw total organisation power fail to around 370W, with the CPU pulling about 300W. We detected that AMD achieved this by greatly reducing the pith voltage, then we were pulling a bit over 300A at less than 1v. HOWEVER, look below to visualize what happens when we enable PBOC; confidential information, the system great power went over 1000W."

Bassiri said he believes Threadripper 3990X itself was probable consuming about 800 watts.

Yup. Drop by the wayside an GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and custom liquid cooling, and the years of a 1,500-Watt PSUs just power be back.

linus Linus Tech Tips

Can it run Crysis?! Yes, in point of fact Linus Tech Tips used the 64-core Threadripper 3990X to do just that. And no, non on the GPU: The pun ran rendered in software system on Threadripper.

Linus Tech Tips runs Crysis on Threadripper 3990X

But lavatory it run Crysis?! Glad you asked. Besides display the break away easily rending through rendering tests, Linus Sebastian of Linus Technical school Tips shows the CPU is actually capable of running Crysis. And no, we don't contemptible running Crysis on a GPU in the organisation with Threadripper 3990X, we mean, actually running Crysis rendered in software mode Along THE CPU. It's an amazing feat worth watching.

Sebastian does notice the odd position AMD occupies at the moment. Yes, Threadripper 3990X eats Xeons for breakfast in figure, but he notes that AMD is now at the point where IT has redact artificial limitations on the 3990X soh as not to compete with its personal Epyc server chips, which support often higher Drive capacities than Threadripper does. In Sebastian's eyes, the new chip is a "$4,000 deadend" due to its "low" retentiveness boundary of 256GB. That's a simple quarter of what Intel's Xeon W-3175X can take, he points out.

Puget Systems on Threadripper 3990X for Premiere

It wasn't fair YouTubers and hardware sites who got first dibs on Threadripper 3990X. Personal computer workstation maker Puget Systems put the brand-new cut off through its Adobe Premiere Milliliter benchmark and answers the singular question of "Is the AMD Threadripper 3990X beneficial for First Pro?"

The solvent ISN't likely to shock anyone: No more.

"While in that respect may be some niche uses for the AMD Threadripper 3990X 64 Core within the greater video redaction industry, the 3990X is underwhelming for First Pro. It is certainly no slump, just but performs roughly on par with the Threadripper 3960X 24 Substance for both live playback and exporting," Puget's Matt Bach writes.

Phoronix: What about Linux on Threadripper 3990X?

We'll close off our review roundup aside satiating Linux fans, who are entirely screaming, "information technology's Windows' fault!"

Phoronix's Michael Larabel writes that the "AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X Offers Incredible Linux Public presentation."

Larabel continued: "When taking the geometric mean of the benchmarks for this clause today, The Threadripper 3990X came out overall 26% quicker than the dual Xeon Platinum 8280, which is a very nice accomplishment since such a contour currently retails for $20,000 USD worth of processors unequaled. For those doing sober content conception crop like Liquidiser or other CPU-based renderers/modeling, engaging in labored multi-rib workloads that aren't memory intensive (where alternatively you'd be improved slay with the EPYC 7002 CPUs with eight-channel memory), or code compilation of large software package projects, the AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3990X is a powerful impressive contender."


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