How To Repair A Cement Statue
Anne is a author and teacher who recently restored a decorative statue for a friend.

The earlier and after photos of a statue restoration.
The Art of Plaster Statue Restoration
Do yous take an onetime garden statue or a statue in your home that is former and possibly disintegrated with years of use? Statues, especially ones that are placed outside in the elements, can get weathered and worn over fourth dimension, and it seems like a difficult chore to find a way to restore them and make them look like new once again.
I recently took it upon myself to restore a statue for a friend. I have had no experience doing this kind of projection earlier, but using some ideas I had come upwardly with on my own, I was able to restore the piece and have information technology looking like new once again. Hither, I volition give you a few tips on how to properly restore a decorative statue.
Step i: Do a Thorough Inspection of the Damage
Before getting started on your project, it is a good idea to observe it and take photos so you know the kind of condition it is in already. This will help to place any problem areas and things that you see that need to be fixed.
In my example, the statue was severely disintegrated and worn from the elements, then I knew I would need to notice something to fill in the holes that I establish on the statue. In addition, I had some pieces of the statue that were cleaved off, so I likewise knew there would be a little work to do with re-assembling some pieces. This is why it is and then crucial to really wait at the statue first and decide what needs to be done. You will have a plan of action and be able to plot out the proper steps as to how to restore it properly.
Step 2: Clean the Statue
The first matter you want to do is make clean it a little scrap and then yous have a blank slate to beginning from. Information technology is of import and crucial that y'all don't employ any harmful chemicals or cleaning products on the statue because it could harm the fabric and depending on what your statue is made out of, it could completely ruin information technology.
I used a damp material with water to make clean my statue. At that place was some dirt and leaves that had get caught in some of the crevices, so I gently wiped the statue with a moisture textile to get rid of the layers of dirt and leaves. If your statue is very dirty, it might accept yous a few times to get it to where you lot want information technology to exist. Delight notation that it does not accept to be completely make clean, but clean enough for you to have a smooth surface to work with as you brand changes and repairs.

The difference between an area with no plaster and an area that has been filled in with plaster on a statue.
Step 3: Add together Plaster
I constitute in my case specifically, because it was so damaged and there were so many holes in it due to weathering over the years, that I needed to fill in those holes. Plaster of Paris works wonders for this because it will help fill the holes and still give the statue a expect of "stone". In addition, Plaster of Paris is very inexpensive and readily available at most craft stores.
Follow the instructions on the package specifically and brainstorm "painting" it over the statue. I establish that adding a thin layer first was the all-time pick. I used a big paintbrush to brush on the plaster to make certain it filled in the holes and created a polish surface for me to piece of work with. You do Not want to dodder it on with your hands, as a lot of times, this will brand the statue loose its shape and you volition have bumps and other unwanted impurities on it. Take it wearisome and let information technology dry for a while before deciding if you want to add together more plaster later. A trivial goes a long manner in this instance.

The outset step of calculation Plaster of Paris to make full in the gaps and holes on the statue.
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Step 4: Sand
Afterward adding the plaster, it is important for you to spend some time smoothing out the surface, especially if you will be painting on top of the plaster, which I highly recommend. Even if y'all aren't going to paint colors on information technology and just want to paint information technology all white over again, it is important to take a smooth surface to paint on.
I used fine grained sandpaper to lightly sand the area before painting it. Be careful in this procedure likewise, equally you do not want to sand too much and adventure sanding the layer of the statue underneath. I was very light with my hands so as to create that smooth surface on top, but conscientious enough not to damage anything.
Footstep 5: Fix Broken Pieces
In my case, I had a few broken pieces that I needed to fix before painting. There was an arm that needed to exist glued back on as well equally some deformities in the statue that needed to be filled in and fixed. For this projection, I used Loctite glue. It is condom and easy to use, and you tin find it at nigh home improvement stores. The beauty of Loctite glue is the fact that yous can utilize such a small amount and it will agree it together perfectly. You also don't have to wait for the gum to dry. Y'all agree it together for about twenty seconds and it will attach tightly. No demand to look or get a clamp if you tin concur it together for just twenty seconds!
In addition to gluing pieces back on, I also had a plain-featured cantankerous on my statue that needed to exist stock-still. For this, I bought a small pack of molding clay (yous can but this at whatsoever arts and crafts store). When you get the clay out, mix information technology with a petty chip of water and mold it with your hands until it is soft and malleable. Then, shape it over the area you desire to fix. I put the clay right over the pinnacle of the cross. And so, slowly and carefully remove the clay. You will need to bake it in the oven per the instructions on the package and so glue the slice on when yous are finished.
Step six: Paint
Once you have completed the gluing process, it is fourth dimension to start painting. For my project, I used acrylic paint specifically useful for outdoor purposes. You tin discover this multi-purpose acrylic paint at any craft store. Paint to your liking. If yous are planning on keeping the statue all white, consider shading the crevices with a darker colour (perhaps a light gray), to requite the appearance of stone and make it look more natural. I found that shading really helped my statue come alive.
When yous are finished painting, you volition want to use an acrylic sealer spray, especially if you plan on putting the statue in a garden or outside when you lot are finished. This will prevent the atmospheric condition from doing damage to your statue again and will preserve information technology for years to come.
Pace vii: Admire Your Finished Production
One time you have finished, accept some time to admire your piece of work. Information technology is amazing what we tin can do to restore quondam pieces of fine art, and it is so satisfying to see the difficult work you have done after. Make sure y'all accept pictures so y'all have a before and later moving picture of the process. If your statue is made of a specific textile, make sure you know how to properly restore information technology. Plaster of Paris may not piece of work in all cases. If you are non sure, consult an expert at the arts and crafts shop that might be able to assist you in this process. In general, I establish my method to work pretty well. Do what you call back works best for your project, and I hope these guidelines and tips helped requite you some skillful ideas on how to restore your garden statue or decorative statue.
I could not let this become... on July 25, 2022:
In my stance, I practise prefer the original statue which wears the fourth dimension patina and damage.
To phone call this restoration it is non appropriate every bit the result looks so much worst than the original statue and there is no sympathy in anything that was washed to information technology.
Information technology is a shame that people destroy a beautiful statue in this way.
Larry Slawson from Due north Carolina on October 21, 2022:
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing!
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